Welcome to the foster care community! We're here to assist you, whether you're ready to start your journey as a foster parent or simply want to learn more about fostering and adoption in your state. Please complete the form below to connect with a local agency representative or foster advocate.
At FosterUSKids, our purpose is to enable and encourage more individuals to become nurturing and reliable foster parents to the nearly 400,000 children in the U.S. foster care system. The guidance, training, and support from your chosen agency are integral to achieving our mission. We are excited to facilitate this connection as you embark on your fostering journey.
When selecting an agency, responsiveness is key. If you don't receive a response within three business days, we encourage you to reach another agency through FosterUSKids and tell us about your experience.
In choosing your agency, consider important questions: Do you intend to foster and/or adopt? Would a public or private agency better suit your needs? What are the specific requirements and processes for foster and adoption through this agency? What is their process for matching a foster child with your parenting and lifestyle needs? How will they assist you through the application, Home Study, and approval processes? What ongoing training and support will they offer after you become licensed? Can they help build your personal support network and connect you with foster parenting resources? Be sure to let your representative know if you are interested in fostering sibling groups or teens.
If you wish to support foster children and families in other ways, a local agency can guide you to the right community resources in your state.
We are grateful for your commitment to our nation's foster children and welcome any feedback or suggestions at FosterUSKids.