How to Become a Foster Parent in Nebraska

Foster mother with a child in a kitchen

Are you considering growing your family through fostering or adoption? There's no better time than now, especially since states like Nebraska desperately need more foster families.

If you've never considered the idea or you're not sure how to start, we've got you covered. In this guide, we'll go over how to become a foster parent in Nebraska, including the state's requirements and sources of support.

Read on to find out what you can do as a parent.

Quotes about foster care

How to Become a Foster Parent in Nebraska

Foster mom with two young kids at a table

Close to 400,000 children are in the U.S. foster care system, and the numbers are on the rise. Yet, the path to becoming a foster parent in Nebraska can often seem unclear. is your source for information and guidance, connecting you with a local Nebraska agency to simplify the process of becoming a foster parent.


There are six steps to complete before you can bring a child into your home as a licensed foster parent in Nebraska:

  1. Request Information About Fostering – 
    FosterUSKids puts the Nebraska foster care and adoption agencies at your fingertips.
  2. Attend an Orientation Meeting for Foster Parenting –
    Learn more about the foster parent journey: how to become a foster parent, the characteristics of kids in foster care, and state foster care rules and regulations.
  3. Submit a Foster Parent Application –
    Your agency’s social workers will help you with the required documentation, background checks, personal references, and state-specific criteria.
  4. Attend Pre-Service Training –
    Around 30 hours of formal parent training cover essential topics from what to expect to trauma-informed foster care.
  5. Complete an Assessment and Home Study
    This vital process includes a home visit and interviews with social workers to ensure you are a good fit and ready to be matched with a foster child.
  6. Receive Your Foster License –
    The typical 3 to 6-month process results in getting your foster family license and then welcoming a foster child into your home!

Parenting is a rewarding journey marked by commitment and growth. For foster children in Nebraska, the search is not for a perfect parent but for someone they can count on for love, care, and a stable home – a foundation that will make a life-altering difference.

We at FosterUSKids are grateful you are on the path to learning more. For detailed guidance through every step, contact a Nebraska child-placing agency now.

Requirements to Foster in Nebraska

If you're worried about being on your own as a foster parent, don't be! Many resources are available to families.

There are plenty of educational materials on the Nebraska DHHS website. You can learn about definitions and common phrases, Medicaid for foster youth, and what it means to become a resource parent. Plus, there are consultants available to resource families.

Remember, there's plenty of information you can find online as well. From blogs to books, there's no shortage of educational materials for foster parents. Many informative materials cost nothing and teach you invaluable tips.

You'll work closely with your local foster care agency. You'll always have at least one point of contact to turn to if you have questions.

Don't forget about creating a support network. Make sure to include other foster parents and advocates from your area. You'll face obstacles on your journey, such as navigating the legal system or saying goodbye. Having the right person on your side for support makes all the difference.

Foster FAQs for Nebraska

Don't stress out if you feel you can't be the perfect parent since there is no "perfect model." If you give it your best shot and dedicate love, time, and energy to raising a child, then you can make a great caregiver.

Education is the first step. Here are a few FAQs about foster parent requirements we get from new parents that you may have as well.

Who Can Be a Foster Parent?

As long as you meet the criteria we mentioned earlier, you can help a foster child. Adults of all ages foster, whether they're single or married. Individuals that identify as LGBTQIA foster and adopt too.

People may choose to foster even if they rent since being a homeowner isn't required. Also, parenting experience isn't necessary (though it does help). You may be childless or have biological kids in your home.

When Do I Have to Renew My License?

Resource parents must renew their licenses every two years. Parents are expected to complete ongoing training and continued education.

Can Children Share a Bedroom?

Although having a spare bedroom can give a foster child more privacy, it's not a requirement. Children of the same biological sex can share a room. That said, the foster child must have their own bed and space for their belongings.

How Often Does the Caseworker Visit the Child?

The child's caseworker visits approximately once a month to check on them. They may visit more often, depending on the situation.

Are You Interested in Raising Foster Children?

Fostering or adoption is an admirable path to take, and you can make a real difference in a child's life now that you know how to become a foster parent in Nebraska. Talk to your local child-placing agency if you want to learn more and determine if this is the right decision for you.

So many foster children in the United States need our help. If you want to learn more about fostering and adoption, it begins with a simple call or fill out the inquire form.

Foster agencies in Nebraska

Select My Foster Agency in Nebraska

General Statistics About Foster Care

  • 3,835

    Children in Nebraska foster care in 2021

  • 13

    Months on average a Nebraska child will be in foster care

  • 755

    Nebraska youth waiting to be adopted in 2021

  • 7

    Is the average age for a child in Nebraska foster care in 2021

Life isn't always easy for a foster child, and many feel anxious, afraid, or frustrated when placed in out-of-home care. The shortage of licensed foster homes is a big part of the problem. You can help by becoming a resource parent.

But how bad is the situation in Nebraska? Here's what the latest AFCARS report says:

  • There are 3,835 foster children in Nebraska
  • 2,032 entered care in 2021
  • 755 were waiting for adoption as of September 30th of the FY
  • 457 had all parental rights terminated
  • The median age of kids in care is eight years old
  • 43% of foster youth live in a licensed foster home (non-relative)
  • Most case plan goals (64%) are to reunite the child with their parents
  • 17% of case plans hope for adoption
  • Children spend a median time of 13.1 months in care
  • The median age of children waiting for adoption is seven years old

Many parents want to know how soon they'll have a child placed in their home. The answer depends on their flexibility, the age group specified, and the number of children they're willing to care for.

The foster care system desperately needs parents willing to raise adolescents, teens, and siblings.

Support Services for Foster Parents in Nebraska

If you want to become a foster parent, the first step is to ask yourself certain questions. For instance, do you have the time and energy to care for a child? What is your reason for wanting to foster or adopt?

Asking questions like these will help you identify your goal and what you hope to achieve through fostering. It's also good to consider this when speaking to a foster advocate.

You'll also have to meet specific criteria to become a resource parent. Nebraska foster families must meet the following requirements:

  • 21 years of age or older
  • Attend an informational orientation
  • Your family is financially stable
  • All family members are in good health
  • You live in a safe and stable home
  • Your house passes all safety requirements
  • You have a bed for the child and space for their belongings
  • All adults pass a background check
  • Have a valid driver's license and vehicle
  • Complete the required foster parent training
  • Finish the home study process

As you begin the process, you'll learn more, such as what your home needs to qualify as a safe and healthy environment. For instance, you'll need working smoke detectors in each bedroom.

Foster parents also need a clean driving record and insurance for their vehicle. Reliable transportation is necessary to ensure the child can get to school, appointments, etc.


Every day in Nebraska, children from all age groups enter foster care, some with no belongings of their own, all without an adult they can depend on. Every Nebraska kid needs a soft place to land and a place to call home. Whether you can offer temporary care or become a forever family, your interest could mean a brighter, more secure future for a child in Nebraska.

Still undecided? A Nebraska child-placing agency is here to guide you, providing answers about stipends, coaching, therapy resources, and foster parent training.

Take the next step: Begin your parenting journey by fostering a Nebraska child today.

Select My Foster Agency

Find a foster or adoption agency near you using our state directory for Nebraska. If you represent an agency and would like to claim your listing, please contact us.

Agency Locality Agency Type
Adoption, Other
Traditional Foster Care, Emergency Foster Care, Respite Foster Care, Adoption
Traditional Foster Care, Emergency Foster Care, Respite Foster Care, Adoption
Kinship / Relative Care, Traditional Foster Care, Specialized / Therapeutic Care, Emergency Foster Care, Respite Foster Care, Adoption
Kinship / Relative Care, Traditional Foster Care, Specialized / Therapeutic Care, Emergency Foster Care, Respite Foster Care, Adoption
Traditional Foster Care, Emergency Foster Care, Respite Foster Care, Adoption, Other