America World Adoption Association Tennessee
Welcome to America World! Our two-fold mission is growing families through adoption and caring for vulnerable children. We are a faith-based, charitable organization with an established, well-respected reputation among adoption professionals, government agencies, and foreign adoption authorities. We are committed to maintaining integrity throughout the adoption process, advocating for the fatherless while seeking to place them in loving, Christian families, and supporting them if they are in a situation in which adoption is not possible. Our experienced staff will walk with you on your adoption journey with compassion and understanding.
We invite you, your family, your church, your business, and your community to partner with America World to bring hope and love to orphans worldwide. Join us whether you want to adopt or get involved in orphan care... or both! We would love to walk alongside you while you explore how God is calling you to care for "the least of these" (Matthew 25:40)
Services and information
- Adoption
Requirements to become a foster parent
Foster parents receive help from the Department of Children’s Services, including board rate payments to help offset the cost of care. These rates vary slightly based on the child's age and needs.
Children and teens in foster care also receive state health insurance through SelectKids. The parent helpline is 1-888-422-2963, and there's an online portal for parents.
Kids in care receive a membership ID card, which the DCS Health Advocate Representative has. Each child is also assigned a PCP. Physical and mental health care needs, as well as dental and vision services, are covered.
When you start fostering in Tennessee, you'll receive access to a dedicated Foster Parent Advocate who can answer questions, provide support, and assist you with any grievances and appeals.
Parents must also complete trauma-informed training, which teaches them how to be better caregivers. The training is free, and your agency can help you find and complete the necessary hours. You'll learn most of what you need to know in training, though you'll also want a solid support network.
Foster parents receive access to respite care, which can provide a break when needed. While most parents can leave their children with a babysitter or family member, foster parents must rely on trained, licensed caregivers. Depending on respite care allows parents to address emergencies, relieve stress, etc.
Regular Board Rates (Effective 7/1/2023) Ages Foster Care Adoption Assistance Subsidized Permanent Guardianship Ages 0-11 $29.96/day $29.91/day $29.91/day Ages 12+ $34.35/day $34.30/day $34.30/day Ages 12+ placed on or after 2/15/2023 $50.00/day (permanent placements only) * $34.35/day (for temporary placements) $34.30/day $34.30/day Sibling groups of two or more, regardless of age placed on or after 2/15/23 $50.00/day based on age reflected above based on age reflected above Special Circumstances Board Rates Ages Foster Care Adoption Assistance Subsidized Permanent Guardianship Ages 0-11 $32.95/day $32.90/day $32.90/day Ages 12+ $37.78/day $37.73/day $37.73/day Kinship/ Relative (Expedited) Board Rate Prior to Approved Foster Home Status After Approved Foster Home Status $14.12/day Based on age referenced above Extension of Foster Care Independent Living Allowance Rates Regular Board Rate Graduated Board Rate Age 18-20 Parenting Board Rate Age 18-20 $14.06/day $7.03/day $20.00/day
Effective 2/15/2023 Foster parents will receive a one-time $2,000.00 bonus per child following six consecutive months of placement for children in foster care who are twelve (12) years of age or older or children who are members of sibling groups of two or more children. Foster parents must meet all compliance standards including training requirements at the end of the six-month placement time frame to receive the bonus. *Temporary placements who assume complete care of the child during placement are also eligible for the incentive rate.
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