North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services

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Contact Information

2001 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699
United States

Online Contact Form
Monday9AM - 5PM
Tuesday9AM - 5PM
Wednesday9AM - 5PM
Thursday9AM - 5PM
Friday9AM - 5PM
Saturday9AM - 5PM
Sunday9AM - 5PM

Thank you for your interest in foster care and adoption in North Carolina. NC Kids can help you get started and assist with fostering or adoption. There is an incredible need in our state for qualified and dedicated foster and adoptive parents. When children enter foster care, the primary goal is to help families resolve their challenges and reunite safely. However, when that is not achieved, children can become free for adoption. For more information about how children enter foster care and the requirements for becoming a licensed foster parent, please view the Foster Parent Orientation video.

When a child is unable to be reunified with their biological family, other permanency options are explored, including adoption. Every child available for adoption deserves a "forever family." If you are interested in providing a safe and loving home to a child and you have the patience and wisdom to share, you could be the perfect parent for a child who truly needs you.
Children waiting for adoption include:

Children with special needs such as physical, mental, and emotional disabilities
Sibling groups
Minority children especially African American males
Additional information about how to become a foster or adoptive parent, frequently asked questions and information about the types of children who need foster and adoptive homes and resources for current foster and adoptive families can be found by exploring this website and reading North Carolina’s “You Don’t Have to be Perfect to be a Perfect Parent” brochure found at the bottom of this page.

Live without any worries ✨

Services and information

  • Traditional Foster Care
  • Specialized / Therapeutic Care
  • Respite Foster Care
  • Adoption
  • Other

Requirements to become a foster parent

The state requires that foster parents get licensed through their local Department of Social Services or a licensed private agency. These sources will be your best form of support. Through them, you'll receive training and have a point of contact for emergencies.

If you ever have questions, reach out to your case manager. They're trained to assist foster families and the children in their care.

The Foster Family Alliance of North Carolina is a statewide association that recruits new parents, provides training, and offers support. You can find training and webinars online. You can also read parenting tips, find your region, and more.

The National Foster Parent Association is a non-profit that provides training and education. Caregivers can also find free online training through the NFPA.

The NC Division of Social Services (NC DSS) is the agency in charge of overseeing the state's child welfare system. NC Kids assists new foster parents with the early stages of the process. You can find children awaiting adoption and access foster care and adoption support services.

It also helps to form connections with other foster families, especially those with years of experience. You may have questions or need advice from them. It can make you feel like you have someone on your side through your journey.

Ratings and Reviews

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