Upper Peninsula Family Solutions, Inc
Our Belief
UPFS believes every child is entitled to grow up in a permanent family. It is our goal to reunite children with their biological families whenever possible or to identify a permanent home if this cannot be accomplished. Until either can be achieved, loving, stable foster homes are needed to provide a safe environment for the children.
What is Foster Care?
Foster care temporarily places children in a safe and nurturing family environment. Children are placed into foster care after a government agency (State of Michigan Department of Human Services and the Court) determines their home environment is unsafe. Children come into foster care for several reasons, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect due to substance abuse, mental illness, incarceration of a parent or parents, or some other family crisis.
When a Child Enters Foster Care:
When a child is placed in foster care through UPFS, the agency works with the biological family to reduce barriers for the child to return home safely. This is done by coordinating programs and services to strengthen the family unit within the given time frames determined by the State of Michigan DHS Policy. If the biological family is unable to reduce the barriers that led to the removal and it is determined a child cannot be safely returned home, UPFS seeks an alternative permanent placement for the child, either through adoption or another permanent living arrangement. One of the goals of the foster care system in Michigan is “concurrent planning,” which means seeking a foster home placement that could become a permanent home for the child if reunification cannot be achieved.
UPFS provides comprehensive, compassionate, and timely Foster Care, Adoption, Foster Home Licensing, and Counseling services.
Services and information
- Traditional Foster Care
- Specialized / Therapeutic Care
- Emergency Foster Care
- Respite Foster Care
- Adoption
- Other
Requirements to become a foster parent
Parents can access the Michigan Foster Care Portal (MFCP), which is a tool that helps expedite licensure. The portal can track progress and list the next steps a foster parent needs to take. The MFCP also contains FAQs and helpful guides for parents.
In addition to online tools, foster families also receive some financial support. How much they receive depends on the child's age and needs. Parents may also be entitled to additional reimbursement that covers care costs.
Plus, foster families can access many local and state-wide support organizations and advocacy groups. These groups provide resources, answer questions, and are happy to help form connections between foster parents.
Your foster care agency is always there if you have questions or concerns. Their goal is to ensure the child's well-being and assist parents through the fostering process and beyond.
Another path you might want to consider is co-parenting with the birth parents. The end goal in most foster cases is to reunite a child with their parents or primary caregiver. You'll work with the birth parents anyway to set up visitations, and co-parenting can make your job easier.
Working further with the birth parents can also make the entire fostering process less stressful for a child. They won't feel as if they have to "choose" between homes and families.
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