American Home Finding Association

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Contact Information

217 East 5th Street
PO Box 656
Ottumwa, IA 52501
United States

Online Contact Form
Monday9AM - 5PM
Tuesday9AM - 5PM
Wednesday9AM - 5PM
Thursday9AM - 5PM
Friday9AM - 5PM
Saturday9AM - 5PM
Sunday9AM - 5PM

Social Media

American Home Finding Association was founded in July 1899 by three local business people who were concerned about the well-being of young women and children.

The founding fathers incorporated the American Home Finding Association as a private, not-for-profit, non-sectarian organization. The primary purposes were to provide homes for children, counsel their mothers, fathers, and relatives, to place children for adoption, and do whatever to improve the lives of young children.

Your gift, regardless of the amount, is a growing part of our survival. In recent years American Home Finding Association has served more women and children than at any other time in our 120 year history. Today many working families are faced with economic challenges and the stress of managing family problems and concerns. We need your help to continue to provide the level of professional and compassionate services that families in our community deserve.

Services and information

  • Adoption
  • Other

Requirements to become a foster parent

Many new parents are worried they'll be on their own if they decide to foster. That's not true; you have tons of support on your side.

You have the Iowa Department of Human Services (DHS). Your local DHS recruits and approves families for fostering and adoption. They also place children with approved parents.

The Iowa Foster & Adoptive Parents Association has handbooks, contact phone numbers, information on training and case plans, useful PDFs for foster parents, and more online.

You also have your local child-placing agency for assistance. They're licensed and approved to train parents and place children in homes. You can find information on how to navigate the legal system or tips for working with birth parents, for example.

Many state non-profits dedicate themselves to assisting foster youth and the families caring for them. They may help with basic care, such as clothing or food, or educate parents on specific topics.

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