Nevada Foster Care
Foster care provides a family life experience in a licensed home for a child removed from their own home due to abuse and neglect. Foster parents are a critical part of the child welfare team. They support children in preparing them for reunification with their birth parents or for adoption.
Currently, there are roughly 400 children in Rural Nevada who are in foster care. Every day, more children and youth enter the foster care system and need safe, loving homes. Some children need a temporary place to stay, while others need families willing to commit to their care for a lifetime. Without caring foster homes in each community of Rural Nevada, children removed from those areas must be placed in outlying communities, away from their family, friends, and everything familiar to them.
- You can be single, married, or in a domestic partnership
- You can be a working or stay-at-home parent
- You can choose the age range and gender of the child you are most comfortable parenting
- You do not have to own your home to provide foster care
- For family foster care, you can be licensed for one to six beds, depending on space availability
- Various types of care may be more suitable for your specific situation:
- Respite Care
- Emergency Shelter Care
- Short-term Care (under six months)
- Long-term Care (over six months)
- Adoption
Services and information
- Kinship / Relative Care
- Non Related Kin (NRKIN)
- Traditional Foster Care
- Specialized / Therapeutic Care
- Emergency Foster Care
- Respite Foster Care
- Adoption
Requirements to become a foster parent
Support Payments
As a foster parent in Nevada, you receive monthly board and support payments. These stipends cover the child's everyday care costs, such as food, lodgings, and other daily incidentals. The payable amount varies depending on the child's age and needs, but payments start at $682.94 for a child under 12 with no special needs.
When entering foster care, children are also entitled to a one-off clothing allowance of up to $125.00, an emergency clothing payment of $50.00, and $28.00 each August for school supplies.
Children with physical or mental disabilities receive an additional special care allowance of up to $550.00.
Medical and Dental Coverage
The government provides Medicaid to Nevada's foster children. These payments cover both medical and dental care until the age of 21.
The foster parents are responsible for arranging any medical appointments and attending them with the child.
Training and Support Groups
There are many groups, organizations, and resources that exist to support foster parents in Nevada. Attending groups and meetings is a great way to meet other foster parents and share your experiences.
Extra training can also help foster parents provide the best environment possible.
Ratings and Reviews
Average user rating
2.6 / 55 | |
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3 | |
2 | |
1 |
Dec 31, 2020
not a good place. They decided to not look at any paperwork that mattered until after my kids were taken away for a domestic dispute that never even occured between my childrens fathers mother and i. Douglas county sherrifs took my children when i am the safe parent and denied the paperwork that proved it through the state of oregon. My childrens father has child endangerment charges and multiple counts of drugs and the children were given to me as the safe parent through dhs in oregon. The deputies denied the paperwork from dispatch that proved it. Deputy lindsay got involved as i was legally able to ask for another deputy and he stated i could have my children if cps said i could so cps said i could have them because they reviewed that the kids were supposed to be with me as the safe parent and i still do not have my children. My childrens fathers mother had just recently been involved in major crimes and cps released the children to her. No i will not give cps a good review. Their father is not findable as he fled with guns before the children were put in my care cuz the officer johnson in oregon stated dhs was going to be involved and he took off knowing he was going to be in a great deal of trouble for all my chdren went through. He dissapeared with them years ago and has domestic violence on his record as well. i dont know if hd is hiding out in gardnerville or not right now. I cant get my children to respond to any messages i sent them and i am so scared for their life. I will not give cps a good review cuz they did not do any homework before making a proper decision. And i called douglas county sherriffs for protection and this all happend. It makes me sick. My children need to come home to me so i can keep them safe and show them nothing but love like i always have. Im never giv ing up on them. ill never give up this fight for my children.
Jun 14, 2019
One review says they are a joke. I second that even contacting regional director who is joke. Made complaint to Nevada Attorney General office. These ppl only interested in picking up pay checks no working children's interest.
Dec 12, 2018
This place is a joke. Try to help a child by being a grandparent willing to take responsibility and guardianship and they insist on giving the parent "every chance possible" to regain custody, even though the parent is living on the street, doing drugs and has no interest in helping herself or her child. She just won't relinquish custody for selfish reasons and the child suffers. These people are supposed to have the best interest of the child in mind. They would rather have a child go into foster care than allow a responsible grandparent to take custody.