Lutheran Services in Iowa

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Contact Information

304 South St.
Waterloo, IA 50701
United States

Online Contact Form
Monday9AM - 5PM
Tuesday9AM - 5PM
Wednesday9AM - 5PM
Thursday9AM - 5PM
Friday9AM - 5PM
Saturday9AM - 5PM
Sunday9AM - 5PM

Lutheran Services in Iowa responds to the love of Jesus Christ through compassionate service.


LSI is an affiliated social ministry partner of the Iowa congregations of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) and a member of LSA (Lutheran Services in America). We proudly serve people of all ages, abilities, religions, sexes, gender identities, national origins, ethnicities, races, and sexual orientations.

Riding a bike. Going fishing. Learning to cook spaghetti and meatballs.
These are moments we may take for granted. But for children in Iowa’s foster care system, having an adult to care about the little things makes a big difference.

LSI is a subcontractor for the statewide R.R.T.S. (Recruitment, Retention, Training, and Support) contract that Four Oaks Family Connections manages.

Services and information

  • Traditional Foster Care
  • Specialized / Therapeutic Care
  • Emergency Foster Care
  • Respite Foster Care
  • Adoption

Requirements to become a foster parent

Many new parents are worried they'll be on their own if they decide to foster. That's not true; you have tons of support on your side.

You have the Iowa Department of Human Services (DHS). Your local DHS recruits and approves families for fostering and adoption. They also place children with approved parents.

The Iowa Foster & Adoptive Parents Association has handbooks, contact phone numbers, information on training and case plans, useful PDFs for foster parents, and more online.

You also have your local child-placing agency for assistance. They're licensed and approved to train parents and place children in homes. You can find information on how to navigate the legal system or tips for working with birth parents, for example.

Many state non-profits dedicate themselves to assisting foster youth and the families caring for them. They may help with basic care, such as clothing or food, or educate parents on specific topics.

Ratings and Reviews

Average user rating

3.0 / 5
Rating breakdown
If you have an experience with this agency, please write a review.
Austin Gleason
May 27, 2019

Horrible. Random meetings throughout the day and last second notice on what time they can meet with you. Was told I signed something to meet, never signed anything but yet they still threaten to strip away my son. Never really get anything done they just press state-funded daycares and thats all my case worker talks about for the last 9 days i've met with her. I guarantee they will extend this "service" for another 15 days so they can try their best to take my son away.

Rating: 1

Shelly McVey
Jan 25, 2017

Wonderful, kind, genuine, caring, tender hearted souls that are cloaked in human form only to hide their angel's wings! Bless you ALL 10X over 🙏🏼😇

Rating: 5