Adoption Services, Inc.

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Contact Information

10342 Barrington Court
Leesburg, FL 34788
United States

Online Contact Form
Monday9AM - 5PM
Tuesday9AM - 5PM
Wednesday9AM - 5PM
Thursday9AM - 5PM
Friday9AM - 5PM
Saturday9AM - 5PM
Sunday9AM - 5PM

Adoption Services Inc. was established in 1983 as the first private, non-profit, non-sectarian licensed adoption agency in Wisconsin. With offices located in the Appleton and Milwaukee area, we provide an array of services and support to the expectant parents, birth parents, and people hoping to expand their family through adoption throughout the state of Wisconsin. 

Our mission, “Here today for a child’s tomorrow” brings 3 hearts (birth mother, adoptive parents, and child) through 2 journeys to build 1 family with a common bond of love.

Adoption makes clear something that is true in all life - we are interdependent of one another. It is imperative that we create an environment for positive decision making, made in partnership with one another. 

Services and information

  • Adoption

Requirements to become a foster parent

Many adults are eligible to become foster parents in their state but do not always realize it. Each state in the U.S. has regulations and requirements for licensing foster parents. Florida does not require parents to own a large home or quit their jobs and become stay-at-home parents. Florida foster parents must:

  • Be 21 years of age or older
  • Prove good health and ability to care for a child
  • Maintain a stable income
  • Pass a background screening
  • Finish 30 hours of foster parent training
  • Complete a Home Study

The required training course is free to aspiring foster parents. It helps parents learn how to foster children and become licensed to provide foster care in Florida.

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